
Learn with Mike

Eat the Frog!

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read


Practice tips, musings on musicianship, and ideas about productivity, advocacy, and more.

From Michael Compitello


Happy Friday!


I'm back from a tour with Beyond This Point, an interesting multi-disciplinary ensemble based in Boston. We traversed some crazy weather around AZ for a number of performances of Michael Gordon's Timber, which, for those of you unfamiliar, is scored for 6 planks of wood. For this version, Reclaimed Timber, we sourced locally meaningful wood in each city: pine trees killed by forest fire, or by excessive heat, for example. A tremendously fun and rewarding experience!

Eating the Frog

But, a time-sensitive experience. I was faced with learning Timber—a fairly long piece—in a relatively short amount of time. To do so, I turned to one of my favorite productivity techniques, Eating the Frog. I explain in the video below:


Our MikeDrop podcast is now live! Episode 2 coming next week. Listen wherever you get your podcasts!

Happy practicing!

Learn with Mike

by Michael Compitello

Thoughts on history, culture, music, the details of our world, and how learning matters. Written by a musician and professor, Learn with Mike provides insight and resources for those looking to maximize their creative potential through developing the skill of learning. Also posts from On Learning Percussion, my more practical posts about musical learning that I hope are helpful for curious learners.

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